Thursday, November 09, 2006

Nov 7 episode “Off the Meter”

The guys in the unit do some stuff with guns, punching and a bad guy or something.

The real action is on the home front: Vagina Scott King (Regina Taylor) is in a tizzy because she or her husband shot up a mirror in the house while listening to some classic Public Enemy trax. Needless to say, the Man doesn’t like this kind of thing going on in the Homes of the Unit guys. VSK talks to a shrink, but I don’t know what happened after that because I think I was getting a bowl of cereal (I also don’t know who shot up the mirror or why, I missed the beginning).

The blonde with nice cans (BwNC) is out at night looking around to get into someone’s business, and she hits paydirt when a car comes careening around a corner and sort of stops all messed up and stuck on the curb. Inside the car is a semi-coherent wife of some guy, looking like she just got back from partying with Sebastian Janikowski. The BwNC tries to see if the woman is hurt by moving her around and stuff (that’s exactly what you are supposed to do). At some point a cop pulls up and starts hassling BwNC because he assumes she is the driver. The BwNC spots a bottle of pills while looking for the registration and quickly determines that she better take the rap on this one because lying to a local pig is cool if you are riding the unit of a guy in the Unit. She passes the field sobriety test and that is that…

Only not so much. It turns out that the pill-popping woman had caused a mini-van to crash before she got to the BwNC and hit the curb, so now BwNC is in trouble for vehicular homicide if the woman in the van dies. For some reason, possibly having to do with the pill popper saving the BwNC’s life in a robbery in the past (or paying for her boob job or something), BwNC cannot fess up and turn in the pill popper.

I don’t know how it all turned out, but it probably involved the guys in the Unit cutting the throats of the local Pigs for messing with their hot gash like that. Who cares about some bitch in a mini-van anyway?

Episode rating: 3 panty shields


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